Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mr. Heatmiser has been busy corrupting corruptible minds.

I hope and plan to eventually resume posting again. In the meantime, here is an update from the front lines. Four weeks in and things really couldn't be going much better. I think maybe I'm starting to get the hang of this teaching thing. Now if only I could figure out how to do it without sacrificing my life away. But the kids have been great, The Crucible has actually been interesting, and the football team has yet to be challenged. The only bad thing is none of the twerps has done anything dumb enough to blog about yet. (Or me, for that matter.) But don't fret; they are teenagers, after all, and it's really only a matter of time. Check back soon for tales of ignorance and angst.

- Mr. Heatmiser


Music Janitor said...

I love angst! I think that why I miss the O.C so much.Doesnt get any angstier than Ryan Atwood..

mooce said...

c'mon weed. school's been in for plenty of time for some jackassery to have transpired. tell. tell. your fans have needs.

lk said...

Post something, dammit! Oh shit, can I say dammit?

Anonymous said...

what the freak?!?!?!?!?!?!?

mooce said...


Ryan Gibbs said...

hey man, i've got a deal for you. do another post here, and i'll do another on ditf. you've got to have something to tell after an entire semester.

Anonymous said...

hey bro, I'd love to make it back from our Manifest Destiny Tour sometime in the next year if possible. I feel stranded in LA and I can't seem to take it any longer.