Monday, August 4, 2008

The Manifest Destiny Tour - Day 15

Standing on the beach of Playa del Rey near Santa Monica and looking out at the Pacific Ocean, I get that feeling again. The one I get when I see pictures of deep space and consider the limitless universe. The one I get when driving through the Texas Panhandle or Central Nevada and wonder about the few inhabitants. The one I get when looking down on the Grand Canyon, at all those striations in the cliffs, designating all those millions of years. The one I get when listening to Stravinski’s Rite of Spring, or reading Bukowski, or hearing a woodblock. The feeling I get when smelling honeysuckle, or eating an apple, or looking through a microscope. The one I get when flying, or hearing babies cry, or thinking about π. The one I get when I try to ponder eternity, that there is no beginning and no end, no lines nor circles, there is no perfect center because there is no center, so there are no perfect halves, no equality, no compromise, no marriage and no divorce, there is no space and no time. It’s the feeling I get when I think about God. You know the feeling I’m talking about.

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